Friday, April 18, 2014

Cat cake

Way back in February, my girl turned 5. She has always loved animals, particularly cats so she asked if I could make a cat cake. We searched the internet together for some inspiration, but whenever I found one that looked half decent and I thought I could pull off, Gabby exclaimed, "NO!" It amazes me how well she knows exactly what she does and doesn't like- no indecision, just "NO!" OK then! I wonder who she gets that from?! Then, when I was putting her to bed one night, she decided she wanted a cat cake that looked just like the one on her nightie. Here it is:

Rightio then. We finally had something to work with.

I had so much fun making this cake. Little girl was at school while I was making it and she was super happy when she arrived home.

Here is how it ended up:

Here's how it looked pre icing:

And here's my girl celebrating with her beautiful big brothers. Little does she know how lucky she is!

I love making cakes for my kids. Next one is a pinata cake (not actually a cake at all) made for my Luke. Stay tuned- I'm slowly catching up!

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Hej, czy miałaś jakiś szablon żeby wykroić kota z biszkoptu? Jak zrobiłaś te różowe plamki na
    kotku ?
